The features Scoopika AI agents offer out-of-the-box:

Data validation

When your agent calls an external tool Scoopika validates all arguments the agent sent to the tool before executing it, and it intelligently recovers invalid and missing data.

The same thing goes for when using agents for data extraction.

Streaming hooks

Scoopika provides streaming hooks to capture spcific events in the agent process, like capturing each token the agent outputs in real-time. these hooks work on both server-side and client-side, and are so useful for creating a seamless, interactive, and fast experience. See list of available hooks.


Agents can return audio response in real-time. you can select your agent’s voice from its page in the platform. this is still a beta feature and will be improved a lot in the near future. To enable agent voice response, set the voice property to true in the run options:{
    options: { voice: true },
    inputs: { message: "Hello" }


Each agent can have companions, other agents it can call and talk with when it needs to. this allows dynamic collaboration between multiple agents.

Knowledge (beta)

You can add knowledge files to your agents (PDF, Markdown, or text files). The agent knowledge will be extended and it will be aware of the information mentioned in these files. You can add knowledge files to your agent from its page in the platform.

This feature is still a beta, so you need to enable it in your Scoopika setup from your code to work:

import { Scoopika } from "@scoopika/scoopika";

const scoopika = new Scoopika({
    beta_allow_knowledge: true