
  1. Scoopika account. create one here.
  2. Scoopika access token. generate one here.
  3. Scoopika setup for client-server usage. check this guide.

Make sure you have a ready setup on your server-side and client-side before you continue with this page.


import { Client, Agent } from "@scoopika/client";

const client = new Client("http://localhost:4149/scoopika"); // Full URL to your API route that handles Scoopika functionalities
const agent = new Agent("AGENT_ID", client);

Run Agent

const response = await{
	inputs: {message: "Hello!"},
	hooks: {
		onToken: (t) => console.log(t) // Capture agent output tokens in real-time


Access Agent Data

You can load and access agent data on the client-side:

const agentData = await agent.load();

Add Client-side Actions (Tools)

Client-side actions are external tools that are defined and executed on the client-side. giving your agents the power to execute actions on the client-side in real-time.

Notice that this page does not show how you can build a client-side action schema, check Tools documentation for that.

const actionSchema = {...}; // Replace with your tool schema

function actionFunc = () => {}; // Replace with your custom function

agent.addClientAction(actionFunc, actionSchema);