Install the package using your preferred package manager:

npm install @scoopika/client
yarn add @scoopika/client
pnpm add @scoopika/client

or from a CDN:

<script src=""></script>


Before proceeding, ensure you have already set up a Scoopika API Endpoint. If you haven’t, refer to this guide. This guide outlines the process for configuring Scoopika on your server to handle communication with the client-side package.


To interact with agents and boxes, you’ll need to initialize a Scoopika Client instance. This instance acts as the central hub for all your Scoopika interactions, including managing history retrieval and communication with the server-side API.

  1. Import the Client class from the package.
  2. Create a new Scoopika Client instance, providing the URL of your API route that uses Scoopika on the server-side.
import { Client } from '@scoopika/client';

const client = new Client("API_URL"); // the exact url to your API route

Learn more about the server-client setup here.

Usage Example

This example demonstrates how to create a session, run an agent, list user sessions, and retrieve session history using the Scoopika client:

import { Client, Agent } from '@scoopika/client';

const client = new Client("API_URL");
const agent = new Agent('AGENT_ID', client);

(async () => {
	// Create session for user USER_1
	const session = await{
		user_id: "USER_1"
	console.log(session); // StoreSession

	// Run agent
	const response = await{
		options: { session_id: },
		inputs: { message: 'Hello!' },
		hooks: { // streaming hooks
			onToken: (t) => console.log(t)
	console.log(response); // AgentResponse

	// List user sessions
	const userSessions = await"USER_1");
	console.log(userSessions); // string[]

	// Get session runs (history or messages)
	const runs = await[0]);
	console.log(runs); // RunHistory[] (in this example, there're 2 items one for user request and one for agent response)