Scoopika focuses on being an ideal solution for web developers, by providing an easy way to setup Scoopika on the server-side by just adding a single route to your API, and using the client library with real-time streaming hooks and client-side actions supported out-of-the-box.

Scoopika should work with any web framwork that supports HTTP streaming, and We provide guides for integrating Scoopika with popular frameworks that you can find here.

Minimal Setup Example (Express)

Here’s a minimal setup with Express:

// Server-side

import { Scoopika, Server } from "@scoopika/scoopika"

const scoopika = new Scoopika({...}); // Replace with your scoopika config

const scoopikaServer = new Server({
	agents: ["AGENT_ID-1"] // Replace with your agents IDs or custom setup function

// Add route to your Express API"/scoopika", (req, res) => scoopikaServer.handleRequest({
	request: req.body,
	stream: (s) => res.write(s),
	end: () => res.end()
// Client-side

import { Client, Agent } from "@scoopika/client";

const client = new Client("API_URL");
const agent = new Agent("AGENT_ID", client);

(async () => {
	const response = await{
		inputs: { message: "Hello!" },
		hooks: { // real-time hooks
			onToken: (t) => console.log(t)


For in-depth documentation, refer to the guides.

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