We’ve created a number of examples and templates to help you get started quickly with Scoopika.

These examples are not meant to be directly published to end users. Instead, they serve as minimal examples that demonstrate how to use Scoopika in a web application with a specific framework or method, showcasing how easy it is to integrate Scoopika into your projects.

Each example is designed to be:

  • Minimal: Focuses on using Scoopika within the application without unnecessary complexity.
  • Open Source: The code for each example is available on GitHub.
  • Easy to Setup: Simple steps to set up and run locally with just a few commands.
  • Framework-Specific: Uses the framework’s technologies to show how they integrate with Scoopika.
  • Secure: Doesn’t use any unsafe methods and doesn’t execute any untrested code.

By following these examples, you can quickly understand how to implement Scoopika in your own projects, ensuring a smooth and efficient development process.